Monday, March 25, 2013


For the seventh time salami making contest took place in village Slap near Vipava. This kind of contest is gaining on popularity in Vipava valley. About 6 or 7 similar events are taking place this spring. Traditionally salami are made in winter to use cold weather for the process. 
Quality of salami depend greatly on raw material used. Second factor of great importance is curing or fermentation process. A proper place is needed for fermentation. It shouldn't be to warm or too cold, with proper humidity. Not too dry to prevent holes in salami which can spoil the product through oxidation or not too humid to prevent roting. Most salami in Vipava valley are made from pig meat and lard, best parts are both legs. Some may say it is pity to use such good meat which can be used for dried ham. I say it is worth for this is what i eat. Most of contestants make only small amount of salami for themselves. And of course to enjoy it with good friends.

proper place for curing is "home" to many salami

22 samples are ready to for evaluation


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


For the same reason as elsewhere in Europe, Mulberrys were domesticated centuries ago in western Slovenia. Silkworms and wood. Actually first they brought black Mulberry for wood and later white Mulberry for their foliage which is more apropriate for silkworm growth. Mulberry trees make thick shadow, they are planted for decoration and many of them cultivated are pruned to an umbrela- like shape. With their typical shape Mulberry trees are part of cultural landscape in western Slovenia, although once they were spread all over Slovenia.

enclosed backyard in Karst called "borjač" with Mulberry trees

woven branches of Mulberry tree (not pruned yet)

wild growing white Mulberry tree